Lead Zoning Analyst

A jack of all trades, Lucas has a wide array of real estate development experience from construction, property management, appraisal, to current and long-range planning, and architectural and structural plan review. Lucas maintains his certification in real estate appraisal, zoning inspection, GIS and building plan review. His educational background is in architecture and planning with a degree in Urban Studies. He has two decades of planning, land use, zoning and building code experience divided among the private and public sectors.
As a co-founder of ZRG in 2014, Lucas has been working as a Lead Zoning Analyst for the past four years. He ensures each ZRG Zoning Report is completed with accuracy and approved by a certified zoning specialist.
As in his professional career, Lucas enjoys trying all kinds of experiences outside the office. He enjoys watching and participating in team sports and considers himself a weekend warrior. He is also an artist who enjoys painting, drawing and creating things, which turns into home improvement projects where he constantly sees a work in progress. With a passion for travel, nachos, beer, camping and studying primitive survival, his best times are spent with his wife and two daughters.